The paintings featured in this post are by an artist with MPD/DID going by the name of Kim Noble, who began painting after time with an art therapist, each of her alters developed their own distinctive style. There will be a TV documentary on her in 2010 (see Daily Mail article from a few months ago), I will be interested to see how they cover the "Key" alter's Kabbalah fixation (you can predict it's just going to be a fluff piece about how brave and strong Kim is and how fascinating the condition is, which is undoubtedly true but it would be nice if they asked a few questions regarding her programming/abuse as a child). Although she does not remember the abuse she suffered (her front/dominant alters anyway), it is evident from her artwork that she was pretty severely abused and seems to have been programmed (some of them are particularly graphic depictions I should warn, may be triggering) though you will always get the skeptical view that she's just cashing in (which they will say about anyone saying anything that doesn't fit into their 'head in the sand' belief system). The name Kim means 'regal hill' (and/or 'royal forest' and 'golden'; if you look it up you'll generally find it's meaning is associated with nobility; 'Kimama' means butterfly by the way) and the relatively common 'Noble' surname obviously is also associated with the "elite"/nobility; her red hair look reminds me of the Merovingian bloodline (though that's obviously speculative at best, her extreme levels of dissociation would suggest she is at least the product of a bloodline and/or multigenerational abuse family). She has a daughter named Aimee who she managed to raise despite her problems (it seems she may have managed to get away from her abusers/programmers in her early teens), when she was born to the [Golden] Dawn alter she was taken into care for six months (when she returned Dawn did not recognize her and constantly looks for her baby).
She appears to have undergone occult Kabbalistic programming as evidenced by her 'Key' (of Solomon/key access to compartments of the mind, parts of her system) alter which draws Kabbalah inspired work complete with the Tree of Life and scenes of child sexual abuse charted by various occult symbols; I suspect that this is an alter that remembers some of the abuse (the 'Ria' alter appears to remember the most of the basic sexual/physical trauma programming) and is conscious of her system as some appear to be depicting her Kabbalah programmed internal system based around the Tree of Life. Note in the above example the backwards/mirrored writing, though it is more likely the result of image manipulation (a lot of them have been reversed like this for some reason), if you flip it horizontally it is much easier to read; some Monarch slaves are taught to write (and read) backwards and/or mirrored (+ different scrambled ways) from a young age as part of their programming (to develop the brain in a set way; but as I said I think the images have just been flipped).
You can see the the Four Worlds/"planes of existence" in Kabbalah doctrine ("Kabbalah, from the Medieval circles around study of the Zohar, distinguishes between four different "worlds" or "planes of existence" that successively link the Infinite Divine essence (Ein Sof), with our physical finite Creation."): Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah. Atziluth being the highest of the Four Worlds: "known as the World of Emanations, or the World of Causes. In the Kabbalah, each of the Sephiroth in this world is associated with a Name of God, and it is associated with the Suite of Wands in the Tarot."
Briah the second: "intermediate between the World of Emanation (Atziluth) and the World of Formation (Yetzirah), the third world, that of the angels. It is, accordingly, of the purest essence and without admixture of matter. It is known as the World of Creation. In western occultism, each of the Sephiroth in this world is associated with a Holy Archangel, and it is associated with the suit of Cups in the Tarot. The Biblical Archangels dwell in the realm of Beri'ah."
Yetzirah: "the third of four worlds in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, following Assiah and Briah. It is known as the "World of Formation". "Yetsirah" as in "making" is as opposed to "Briah" as in "Creating": actually taking whatever matter that was created in the "Briah" and shaping it into the basic elements. Within the Western mystery tradition, the different Sephiroth in this world are associated with the angels, and it is associated with the suit of swords in the occult tarot. On the Tree of Life diagram it is associated with the Sephiroth Hod, Netzach and Yesod."
And Assiah: "also known as Olam Asiyah, עולם עשיה in Hebrew, literally the World of Action is the last of the four spiritual worlds of the Kabbalah—Atziluth, Beri'ah, Yetzirah, 'Asiyah—based on the passage in Isaiah 43:7. According to the Maseket Aẓilut, it is the region where the Ofanim rule and where they promote the hearing of prayers, support human endeavor, and combat evil. Their ruler is Sandalphon. According to the system of the later Palestinian Kabbalah, 'Asiyah is the lowest of the spiritual worlds containing the Ten Heavens and the whole system of mundane Creation. The light of the Sefirot emanates from these Ten Heavens, which are called the "Ten Sefirot of 'Asiyah"; and through them spirituality and piety are imparted to the realm of matter—the seat of the dark and impure powers.[1][2] Representing purely material existence, it is known as the World of Action, the World of Effects or the World of Making. In western occultism it is associated with the Tarot card suit known as Pentacles (or Coins or Disks, the terminology varies according to the deck). The world of Yetzirah precedes it."
All four worlds are referenced, in a Kabbalistic Monarch programmed Tree of Life system these are internal worlds where certain ("blank slate") alters are placed. There are obviously many other pertinent symbols on the Kabbalistic box above (menorah, snakes, a lot of Hebrew script and letters Khaf, Pe, Zayin and Tet written on the side which probably spells something in Hebrew, tree with roots etc). The Hebrew letters and general symbols (some appear to be Alchemical/Zodiac signs/Hermetic) will have been part of her programming (used as codes/triggers and such) which I elaborate on a bit below.
Key's focus on Kabbalism, the above hexagon shaped covered in astrological/Alchemical and other symbols suggests to me that she may have been programmed using the Lesser Key of Solomon Goetia as a programming script (i.e. what theme their programming/system will be based around, a good example in modern times would be alien/UFO abduction scripted programming, and the classics Wizard of Oz/Alice in Wonderland and whatnot, just about anything can be used though), which Monarch Illuminati programmers have historically favoured (as society progresses though, so do the scripts to relate more to the contemporary age; so "demons" make way for "aliens" and such [not that they don't believe in goetia). According to this gallery's info (see further down for details on the images) she even has an alter called (the aforementioned Dawn, which I guess they shortened in her media portrayal for obvious reasons)... 'Golden Dawn' (again showing her occult/Hermetic programming).
The layer after that depicts two sets of three phallic serpents and more child traumatization/programming, and similar in the layer one further in. The the second innermost layer shows words such as 'Devil', 'fuck', 'shit' 'kill' and other emotive words; then the inner most rectangle depicts shows that all of this has happened to one individual I think with the arrows pointing towards the figure with a line through it's neck (decapitation; symbolizing losing control of your body). Memories of abuse do not 'disappear', every single one is stored in the brain behind amnesia barriers; they are dissociated to another part of the mind, to other alters/parts and fragments which can be accessed via the right trigger (this can happen unintentionally in an unorganized system, usually resulting in an anxiety attack/total breakdown, which is why I mentioned before the need to meticulously chart every single act of trauma [a code is used, often zodiac signs/Hebrew letters as shown on the artwork above], associated with a symbol in the system so it can be triggered and more dissociated to a deeper part of the system if need be [or triggered to simply traumatize them some more through the memory/flashback to make them do something]).
Kim Noble describes that 'Kim Noble' does not really exist and she is merely a vehicle/'house' for her alters/system, here is a quote from an Independent interview piece with her:
To all intents and purposes, each of Kim's personalities is an artist in their own right: Patricia paints the solitary desert landscapes, Bonny's pictures often feature robotic dancing figures or "frieze people", Suzy repeatedly paints a kneeling mother, Judy's canvasses are large, conceptual pieces while Ria's work reveals deeply traumatic events involving children.
These disturbing images are at the root of Kim's extraordinary condition; DID is a creative mental survival strategy whereby the personality splits at a young age due to severe and chronic trauma. The number of personalities that exist often depends on how long the trauma lasts. But Kim herself has no memory of being abused as a child; she has been protected over the years by her alters.
"I've been told I was abused and to me at this moment in time, it's too much. It goes in one ear and out the other. It's no good retraumatising me and telling me something I don't want to know - in any case, there would be a switch."
Kim has good reason to fear learning about her past as it's possible that if she acquires too much information, she won't be able to cope and will "disappear". It's happened twice before. (omega)
This is where it gets really weird - for Kim isn't Kim at all. The personality I am interviewing is Patricia and it is she who manages her and Aimee's lives, but Patricia wasn't always the dominant personality. Before Patricia took over, Bonny held the fort and two years previous to Bonny, it was Hayley.
Kim watches me closely as she explains: "You see Kim is just the 'house', the body. There isn't a 'Kim' at all - she has completely split. So we answer to the name Kim but really I am Patricia. When people call us 'Kim' I suppose many of us just assume it's a nickname, but once people know you they don't use your name very often in conversation."
Of the 20 or so personalities who share "Kim", some are easily identifiable: there is 15-year-old Judy who is anorexic and bulimic, maternal Bonny, religious Salome [whose paintings are not publicized but you can imagine they would be loaded with symbolic, more than likely occult imagery], depressed Ken, sensible Hayley, Dawn, Patricia and elective mute MJ. There are also a handful of children "frozen" in time. A few of the alters know about the DID but many are unaware - or refuse to accept it.
"Judy doesn't believe in the DID," explains Kim. "She's only a teenager and she calls our therapist a nutter when she tries to explain it to her. She's so young, she doesn't even think Aimee is her daughter. She knows about me and she thinks that I'm a terrible mother because I'm always leaving Aimee. To her, it's totally normal to keep coming and going. She probably thinks that you come and go too."
There are certain "triggers" that can force a change and gradually Kim has learnt what they are in order to avoid them - but it doesn't stop her switching up to three or four times a day.
"I don't really get any idea when I'm about to go except occasionally a feeling of drifting. Mostly it's instantaneous. I can lose six or seven hours but if you were asking another personality now, of course they'd say they lose days. So we haven't got much of a sense of time - I'm always in a panic to get things done.
More scenes of sexual programming, the above titled 'Unspeakable' and below with a similar theme along with a double bind (always used in mind control programming) suggestive title 'You're Special, Shut Your Mouth!"
Emphasizing the dehumanization programming 'Ria' is clearly portraying in these paints, the below image is named 'It's a dog's life'.
Note in the below rape scene the two fragmented floating figures (the children dissociated, having "left their body"/mind).
'Caged Up' below, note the programmer's cattleprod/electroshock (obviously it isn't accurately drawn but it seems likely it's that based on the other drawings like 'Shocking Pink', or some other phallic instrument used for torture), another scene that often occurs in Monarch programming.
These are obviously good examples of the half face/split mind motif I often discuss in the blog (with half face black/in darkness, half white/in light). The below one titled 'Memories'.
'Check Mate' displays a scene of domestic abuse then weeping on the staircase (hence 'check mate').
Above 'The Emotional Dinner'. 'Diary Check' below.
The faceless (facelessness/loss of identity) 'Class 7A' above (remembering her childhood more), below is 'Run, here comes the vic!' suggesting sexual abusive/paedophile vicars/priests/etc.
This one titled 'Journey' showing a figure spread eagle covered by cloud-like spacey field, with words written in a spiral shape (blown up below).
"Fire Goddess" and "Water Goddess"
More psychological trauma here symbolized by the cracked skull (fractured/split/broken mind which I've gone into many times), eyes covered and one bloody.
These are supposed to represent robots (note the internal mechanism of them; symbolizing the robotic nature of trauma-based [Monarch] slaves' systems). The one above called 'Robot Family', they're all quite similar so I'll only include a few.
The below one is pretty self explanatory (alter-personality coming out [splitting; hence half face] of the symbolically blindfolded person's head), with it spelled out "I am just another personality".
'Abi' depicts white, empty scenes with usually only one figure/item such as the girl in the corner (potentially pyramid symbolic too) above and the cherry (+ an eaten cherry leaving behind the pip, symbolizing the broken hymen/child sexual abuse).
Some are created by alters she does not have names for/are 'unknown'; I think it's safe to say these ones come from an alter with attempted cat/kitten dehumanization programming (hence painting cats as human personalities).
The below two are by the alter MiMi (mimic) who "paints scenes through the eyes of a child" so is probably a young child alter. Note the rainbow and the symbolic, twin towers/pillars London's Tower Bridge.
Depressed alter 'Ken' portrays fairy tale scenes such as the above 'Lost in Play' and below 'Not Kansas' (invoking Wizard of Oz programming, "Not in Kansas Anymore"; probably abstractly depicting a figure spiraling around a cyclone into Oz/dissociation).
The style of these paintings by Ken appears fractured (+ the sad clown below symbolizing forced/false/programmed "happy" emotions, showing it's a facade as even the clown face is sad).
These last few are by unknown alters, the first one below depicts a typical programming scene (designed to make the victim feel worthless/like nothing) with her head bowed in shame and the words "I am stupid. Please kick me." on a bit of paper tied around her neck holding onto something bloody/may be her own injury/trauma.
This one (below) is called 'Shattered Time' and is fairly obvious (+ the different patterns/colours/worlds coming out of the victim's head symbolizing the vast system of alters contained in one mind).
This is the sculpture she is holding over her face at the top of this post.
"In America the largest amount of DID is diagnosed in connection with allegations of ritual satanist abuse, hence the discrediting of or inability to perceive the possibility of the one existing automatically precludes rational thinking about the other...
In our far more secular society with established churches in which leading members do not believe in a personal God, a personal Satan is incomprehensible. This leads the majority to conflate satanist abuse with Satan rather than with sadistic paedophilia carried out either by Satanists – people who do believe in Satan (Satanist paedophiles [which there certainly have been many of]) – or those who draw on the frightening power of occult paraphernalia. To the child victim it is irrelevant which group carried out the abuse.
I have stated elsewhere (Sinason 1994) that the number of children and adults tortured in the name of mainstream religious and racial orthodoxy outweighs any onslaught by satanist abusers. Wiccans, witches, warlocks, pagans and Satanists who are not abusive are increasingly concerned at the way criminal groups closely related to the drug and pornographic industries conflate their rituals.In trying to deal with worrying patients who have to be treated regardless of the doubts around their disclosures, mental health professionals often have to face these contentious issues. This makes it much harder for a proper considered response because professionals, like everyone else, are affected by the consensus. In my past work at the Portman Clinic and in my clinic I have noted the secondary traumatisation of professionals caused both by the impact of the patients’ narrative and then by the disbelieving stance of colleagues. Indeed, both professionals and, more importantly, patients, suffer from societal discrediting processes (including the media) in addition to their primary trauma. This applies to lawyers and police officers as well as mental health professionals."
Though I have not read through all of her material, it seems generally sound (going into the differing levels of dissociation which I have discussed; i.e. simply 'zoning out' in a class/when driving, to PTSD to full blown DID [and many other levels in between]) but I find some of it to be worded in a slightly confusing way. It's worth stating that a lot of people have worked out of Tavistock (and it's clinics etc) and the majority of their clinicians are looking out for the best interests of their patients (it is necessary to have an ignorant, innocent and genuine level to keep up appearances so their clandestine research/programming/social engineering can continue in secret). The other 'Tavistock and Portman Clinic' doctor she contacted was Doctor Rob Hale ("Former Director of the Medical Research Council’s Cognitive Development Unit. He is now Visiting Professor in the Department of Psychology and Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London.") before finally making contact with (her current handler?): "leading psychology professor at University College London, Professor John Morton, [who states that] Kim has the misfortune to represent the British "gold standard" [curious choice of words] over genuine dissociation. In the last four years he has conducted extensive tests on Kim and found there is no memory at all between the different personalities. "Even when DID patients reported no memory between the different personalities, our tests usually showed massive leakage between them," he says. "Kim shows no leakage at all. She is proving existing memory theories wrong. She's doing things which we would say are impossible.""
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